2 min read

Creative Expression for Personal Growth: Skateboarding and Guitar

Creative Expression for Personal Growth: Skateboarding and Guitar

There are so many different creative ways of self-expression. This could be music, visual art, literature, performing arts, and so on. My creative outlet was skateboarding until my mid-20s but after racking up too many broken bones I shifted more of my energy into guitar playing.

Lessons I learned from skateboarding

One of the most important lessons that skateboarding instilled into my mind is that, when faced with a challenge, it may take multiple attempts, but when you complete a challenge it can be the most amazing feeling in the world. If you watch a skateboarding video when some professional lands an insane trick and everyone celebrates. It's not just because they landed this insane trick, but it witnessing someone battle with one trick to finally succeed. Sometimes learning just one trick can take hundreds or even thousands of tries. Over and over again.

Of course being a teenager skateboarding was just something that I enjoyed doing. but it showed me that if you ever fail, it never hurts to try again, and again.

Handfuls of years playing guitar and making the most progress in the last quarter

For many years I played guitar on and off. Maybe a couple of cover songs that I would pull off decently. I never did take any formal lessons at this point. Having nothing better to do after work I decided to enroll in some online guitar courses. These lessons made me grow exponentially as a guitar player.

What's interesting, is all of those years I put into practice I never saw the results I wanted. I had practically convinced myself that, hey I put in the work so I guess I am as good as I will ever be. But by taking lessons and being serious with the instrument the results finally started to reveal.

As I began taking math courses to go back to school, this was an amazing self-reminder to have. Remembering that I had convinced myself that "I am only this good because I put in the work" is wrong. There is always room for improvement we just have to adjust the way we approach it.

Beyond life lessons

Being able to express yourself creatively does more than just teach you life lessons. It can be an amazing way to take a break from the pressure and stress of the world. When I pick up my guitar and play a song there is no worry in my mind other than hitting the next note. This allows me to be present, in the moment, and just enjoy life.